This is going to be fun.

In the last of the last. The last of the beginnings of school years, the last school year. The last bit of normalcy, a normal that was created by the repetition of backpacks, pencil cases, pencil shavings, and spiral notebooks. A normalcy that has woven itself a place under my feet. A rug of sorts. I think you get where I’m going with this. The whole, it’s being yanked out from beneath my feet idea. And now, the idea, why did you just get so literal with your reference, it’s not funny anymore.

Let’s be literal for a second. It seems to me that no one really knows much of anything. Sure one can pull out their diploma. But what is the good in it? What does it prove? On a facebook page, a recent alum posted a picture of his new pricey diploma for sale, or rather for free, up for takes. What does this mean?

Beyond the questioning of the educational institution, what do any of us know about life and how it works? How do we know that what works for us, will work for another? How can we be sure of anything? Was it all just luck?

Now, I speak out of a place of anxiety. Isn’t if obvious?

In my opinion, the liberal arts give the us the ability to master knowledge and the inability to find a job that relates directly to anything we have studied. Great. So much knowledge, a capable mind thinking, questioning and the like, but left in a situation of anomie. Now what?

No one really knows. No one can actually tell you how to do something. For one, they don’t know what it is you want to do exactly. Two, do you even know? Three, will you ever know? Four, there is no set way of getting from point A to point B that works standardly.

I’ve ditched the notion that there is such a route. It is fictitious.

The only thing that makes sense 100% of the time is something done before and things we can look at in retrospect. All else is up for grabs, all else is ready to be discovered, all else is still to be done and experimented with. That’s the scary part, maybe. That’s life.

And now I’m at the cross roads. I feel like I’ve been here for four years now, gathering supplies, opinions, etc. Getting ready to make a decision. Graduation is the jumping off point. Where normalcy ends and slips away.

This is going to be fun.