A letter to a young me 

Dear younger me, you’re going to live through hell. But you’re going to get though it and be strong. So strong you might not recognize yourself if we’d have the chance to meet. But don’t let that discourage you. Great things are coming. Great people are coming into your life and you of course will mess most of those things up. Oh but the learning you’ll do with them. Oh but the growing you’ll do. This cranial circus act will launch your mind to new heights, as if your head wasn’t already set between the clouds. Let me tell you that you’ll be happy, a happy that you can’t even fathom at this age. You will know such sadness, loneliness, heartbreak, hurt, and questioning that you’ll more fully understand their opposites and contrasts. As you’ve already started to understand, love is not a zero sum game. It’s possible to love so much more and more and more. I’m proud of your rashness and absurdity. You’re living out some brazen form of your childhood dreams. Don’t be scared to love. Don’t be scared to throw it all away and dive into something completely new. Don’t be scared to give up the only pair of keys you own without a sure plan secured yet. You’ll see soon enough that trusting in the good of people and the universe won’t fail you. And remember, you’re strong, so when it seems to, there’s something bigger coming up next.